What is the GRE?
The GRE is a crucial component of applying to graduate or business school. It is a standardized, computer-based, multiple-choice exam widely needed for admission to various graduate programs worldwide, including MBA programs. Additionally, numerous U.S. law schools also consider GRE scores for admission.
About the GRE
GRE Length 1 hour 58 minutes
GRE Sections
Analytical Writing
Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning
GRE Cost
₹22,550 (India) or $220
** Register for GRE exam on the ETS site.
Analytical Writing
The Analytical Writing Assessment, also known as the "essay" section, evaluates your ability to express your ideas and reactions to intricate concepts coherently and logically. Crafting a solidly supported thesis when confronted with unfamiliar subjects is crucial for excelling in Analytical Writing.
In the "Analyze an Issue" task, you'll encounter an opinion on a topic of general interest and receive instructions on addressing the given issue.

The Verbal section of the GRE assesses your ability to analyze written material and relationships among sentence components, including words and concepts. It comprises three question formats:
1. Text Completion (TC): Fill in blanks to complete sentences, with variations of 1-, 2-, and 3-blank questions. Aim to spend 1–1.5 minutes per question.
2. Sentence Equivalence (SE): Fill in a single blank with two choices creating coherent, logically similar sentences. Aim for 1 minute per question.
3. Reading Comprehension (RC): Based on passages, requiring understanding of central ideas, structure, details, and valid inferences. Allocate an average of 1–3 minutes for reading a passage and 1 minute per question.
Each Verbal section comprises approximately six to eight RC questions.

The Quantitative section of the GRE evaluates your fundamental quantitative skills and your ability to reason and solve problems using quantitative methods. It covers basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, typically taught in high school. Topics like trigonometry and calculus are not included. Quantitative Reasoning questions come in various formats:
1. Quantitative Comparison (QC): Compare Quantity A and Quantity B to identify their relationship. Expect around 4-to-6 of these per Quant section. Master QC by understanding answer choices and using comparison shortcuts.
2. Problem Solving (PS): Standard multiple-choice questions with variants like multiple-choice all-that-apply and numeric entry. Master PS by understanding tested math concepts and efficient problem-solving strategies.
3. Data Interpretation (DI): Typically two per section, these PS questions are associated with charts. Correctly interpreting information from graphs is crucial for answering DI questions.